Update On Writing Stuff (September 24th Edition)

Yeah, it’s been ages since I did one of these posts. I’m going to try to get back into the habit of doing them sort-of weekly. This first one is gonna be long. Anyway, here’s what’s going on:


Wolf Hunt 2 is done, as is a 10,000-word bonus story, “My Werewolf Neighbor,” that will be exclusive to the hardcover limited edition from Dark Regions Press. This edition will go up for pre-order in mid-October. I’m not 100% sure when the book is going to ship yet, but we’ll know that before we take your money. A digital edition will follow before the end of the year.

DarkFuse has a long lead time, so my novella Facial has been completed and edited for several months. This will be out in mid-November. It’s a weird one, kiddies. (Actually, kiddies shouldn’t read it.)


“John Henry, Steel Drivin’ Man” will be in Out of Tune,  edited by Jonathan Maberry and published by JournalStone. It’s up for pre-order now and should ship in November.

“The Fraud” will be in Madhouse, edited by Benjamin Kane Ethridge and published by Dark Regions Press. An Indiegogo campaign for this one just started, with all kinds of cool perks, so check it out.

“Beware! The! Beverage!” will be in Redneck Zombies From Outer Space, edited by Michael Knost and Jonathan Maberry. There is not, to the best of my knowledge, a scheduled publication date yet.

“Apocalypse of the Yard Gnome” will be in Yard Gnomes of the Apocalypse. I actually just, in the middle of writing this paragraph, e-mailed the editor to ask for an update.

“Death to Trees” is in Widowmakers, which just came out and will get its own blog post soon.


The screenplay for Pressure is done…for now. Somebody very cool but very busy wants to read it, so right now it’s a waiting game…


I have to finish two short stories this week. Well, not technically THIS week. Early next week. One’s due on September 30th and one’s due on October 1st, so there won’t be much lollygagging for the next few days.

I’ve got a “three chapters and a synopsis” proposal in for my next young adult novel and am waiting to hear back. It’s a comedy about a young filmmaker.

I’m writing the wraparound segment for a horror anthology film. I wrote the first third, then got pulled away with other projects, but once I clear out the short stories I’ll dive back into it.

I’m about 6000 words into a novel about a stand-up comedian. It may, in fact, finally be the novel where I use the title Cosmic Joke that I’ve had for a couple of previous projects. Or not. I’m not QUITE far enough into it to say, “Yes! This is my primary writing project!” but it’s looking that way, unless something crazy happens with the young adult novel proposal. It’s another non-horror comedy in the vein of Kumquat. 

I never really did much of anything with the script for issue #1 of Town of Turmoil, a comic book I wrote just for the fun of it. I should probably send it somewhere.

Until next time…

Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading!

Here’s an article about the Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading, which is October 25th in St. Petersburg, Florida. Lots of people way more famous than me (R.L. Stine, Debbie Macomber, Carl Hiassen, Aasif Mandvi) will be there. But I’ll be there, too, talking about and signing I Have A Bad Feeling About This. 

What would be really great is if I were standing there, chatting with R.L. Stine, and somebody came up to me and said, “Oh my God! You’re Jeff Strand! You’re the guy who presented R.L. Stine’s Lifetime Achievement Award at the last Bram Stoker Awards banquet! What an honor to meet you!” That’s not mandatory for any of you who attend, though.

Check out the article here: http://www.tampabay.com/features/books/times-festival-of-reading-to-feature-hiaasen-macomber-mandvi-stine/2197014

October Appearances!

I’ve finally updated my Appearances page with my October events. Mostly Florida, yeah, but there’s an Alabama one in there, too!

October 1, 2014. DOOMSAYERS. St. Petersburg, Florida. Studio 620. 7:00 PM. Authors reading stories about the end of the world! I’ll be reading “The Apocalypse Ain’t So bad.”

October 12, 2014. WORLD PREMIERE – CREEPERS.  Mobile, Alabama. Crescent Theater. 8:00 PM. It’s the world premiere of Creepers, the horror anthology film that includes “Gave Up The Ghost.”

October 19, 2014. HALLOWEEN HORROR PICTURE SHOW. Tampa, Florida. Tampa Pitcher Show. 12:00 Noon. I’ve gone to every single year of this film festival, but this year will be extra cool because they’ll be screening “Gave Up The Ghost!” It will also the world premiere of Lynne Hansen‘s “Chomp,” where I did lots of grunt work.

October 24 & 26, 2014. SPOOKY EMPIRE WEEKEND. Orlando, Florida. I won’t be there as an author, but I will be there! Only Friday and Sunday, though. (See below.)

October 25, 2014. TAMPA BAY TIMES FESTIVAL OF READING. I’ll be there to babble about I Have a Bad Feeling About This.

A Bit More WOLF HUNT 2 Stuff

Wolf Hunt 2 Frank Walls Wraparound













Oooooh, here’s Frank Walls’ full artwork for the wraparound cover for Wolf Hunt 2. 

Wolf Hunt 2 goes up for pre-order on October 14th from Dark Regions Press. The book will be available in four different versions.

  • A deluxe hardcover edition, limited to 300 copies.
  • A super-deluxe hardcover lettered edition, limited to 26 copies.
  • A trade paperback edition, limited only by your willingness to buy copies.
  • An e-book edition with a different cover.

The hardcover editions will contain three interior illustrations, also by Frank Walls, and a bonus story. The print editions should ship not TOO long after pre-orders begin (I’ll have a more specific date before you actually add anything to any online shopping carts) and the digital edition will be out before the clock strikes 2015.

Here’s the back cover copy:

George and Lou used to be thugs for hire. Now they’re living in a shack in Costa Rica, hiding from the crime lord who wants them dead. Their last job, to deliver him a werewolf in a cage, went…badly.

But they can’t hide out forever, and when they’re finally captured, it seems as if George and Lou’s ultimate fate will involve being doused in gasoline and set aflame. Instead, they’re given a second chance. There’s another werewolf out there. This time, it’s Ally, a fourteen-year-old girl.

Kidnapping a teenaged girl is a major conflict with George and Lou’s moral code, but they also aren’t fans of being brutally executed, so they agree to the job. After all, the crime lord doesn’t want to kill Ally–he just wants her to bite him. They’ll snatch her, deliver her as promised, and then do everything they can to return her home safely. She doesn’t even know she’s a werewolf; it’s not as if she’ll create any complications by transforming.

Of course, this is George and Lou, so there are many, many complications.

The worst of which is that they’ve now enraged three other extremely nasty werewolves…