Almost Halloweeeeeen!!!

Sadly, the Scary Fireside Stories event was postponed (probably to November 9th–keep watching this space for an official update). There were contingency plans for rain, but not a thunderstorm, so instead of scary fireside stories with s’mores it would’ve been scary stories under a tarp with people eating soggy graham crackers.

The Wolf Hunt 1 and Wolf Hunt 2 99-cent Kindle sale is still going on, but only until Halloween morning! You can’t afford to pass up this deal! Seriously–if you miss out, you’re doomed to spiral into financial ruin. Don’t let that happen. Head over to and click away.

I wrote a Halloween candy-themed guest blog for Meghan’s Haunted House of Books, which you can check out right HERE.

And I got invited to be a guest at a convention in Indianapolis in May. I don’t THINK this is shrouded in secrecy, but I’ll save the announcement, just in case…

Werewolf Stuff

Are you looking for something to read for Halloween? Of course you’re not. If you’re like me, your to-be-read pile has enough books to get you through the next 185 years. But do you still acquire new books? Of course you do! Well, has a dozen titles that are on sale for 99 cents each through October 31st, including titles by JA Konrath and Scott Nicholson.

Oh, also Wolf Hunt and Wolf Hunt 2 are included. That’s a lot of werewolf action for not a lot of money. To celebrate this astounding deal, Lynne Hansen did brand new covers!



But that’s not all! Wolf Hunt 3 is now available for pre-order! You can start reading the second it’s published on November 19th!


If you own the Dark Regions Press hardcover limited editions of the first two books and were hoping for a matching set…yes, Dark Regions will be publishing a collector’s edition of Wolf Hunt 3 as well. Pre-order information and a publication date will be announced later.

And a new issue of my newsletter went out today. This one has the brand-new story “The Tell Tale Heart II: Aftermath,” along with an essay about a creative decision in one of my books that I regret. Check it out HERE.