Zombie on the Shelf

Though the official publication date is tomorrow, here is photographic evidence of the existence of The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever, taken at my local Barnes & Noble.



The agonizing wait is almost over! Yes, my novel The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever will be out tomorrow! If you’ve pre-ordered it already, your copy will arrive tomorrow, but you can also stampede out to your local bookstore and yank a copy right off the shelf!

And now it’s time for a review quote medley!
“Fans of comical books rejoice.” (School Library Journal)
“Will have readers chuckling, snickering, and laughing out loud.” (Kirkus)
“Outlandishly funny.” (Bulletin For The Center of Children’s Books)
“This novel will appeal to anyone trying to create something great against all odds—or anyone who needs a laugh.” (RT Book Reviews)
“Readers will come away not only with stomachs aching from laughter but with the stars in their own eyes a little brighter.” (Booklist).

Oscar Fever!

Billy's Balloon

This is what I’ll be wearing to the Academy Awards. Or at least what I’ll be wearing as I sit on my couch watching it on TV, since Leo withdrew his offer to have me as his plus-one.

Don Hertzfeldt’s World of Tomorrow is up for Best Animated Short and seems to be a front-runner for the win. I loved World of Tomorrow, and also Rejected, Wisdom Teeth, and several of his other shorts, but Billy’s Balloon may be best dark comedy I’ve ever seen.


Stoker Time!

Today the Horror Writers Association announced the nominees for this year’s Bram Stoker Awards, and I’m proud to say that…oh, crap, I read the list wrong, I guess I’m not up for anything.

Oh well. At least, as emcee of the awards banquet, I can stand on the stage looking pretty while OTHER people receive their awards, which is almost as rewarding.

I think you should be there, too. StokerCon. Las Vegas. May 12-15. We can lose our fortune in the casinos together!



As an author, extremely narrow categories on Amazon are my friend. Look at this!


Wow! I’m #1! It’s a pretty strict classification, but the other new release teen and young adult film fiction books can just suck it!

But there’s even more!

GZME #1 and 2

Yes, I’m #1 AND #2! This means the paperback is outselling the e-book, but that’s okay, the e-book will get over it.

With your help, I can dominate categories that aren’t ridiculously narrow. The book comes out on March 1st, and though I encourage you to venture out to your local bookstore, if you want to receive it that very day without leaving your home, pre-order it here!

Pre-order it even if it’s just going to be flung on top of a thirty-eight foot stack of unread books. It’s a healthy addiction.



Zombies In The Mail

Look what my local postal worker delivered today.

GZME Author Copies

Readin’ ZOMBIE

So over the next couple of weeks I’m coming to a city near YOU, if you live in the Tampa Bay Area.

On February 27th I’ll be participating in the Grand Central Lit Crawl, where four separate venues will have authors reading. I’ll be at the first one, The Queen Pub, along with Paul Guzzo, at 4:00 PM. Get the full details HERE.

On March 6th, as part of the SunLit Festival, I’ll be the Dark Arts Q&A/Booksigning from 2-3:30 PM at Wine Madonna. Other participating authors include Lynne Hansen, Peter Salomon, Kathy Nappier, Mary-Jo Holmes, and Kurt Fawver. Read all about it HERE.

And on March 9th, another pub crawl! I’ll be reading at the Kings Street Food Counter, with Sally Bosco, Brad Preston, and Kathy Nappier, starting at 7:00 PM. The event page doesn’t have all the details yet, but check it out HERE.

I’ll also be going to some schools, but you’re not invited to those unless you’re a student. Sorry.




The Pipeline & The Witch

So in about a week I’ll finish my novel Blister, which means that I’ll have FOUR completed books that haven’t yet been published.

But a couple of days after that, The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever will be published, and I’ll be down to three.

Meanwhile, on Friday I saw The Witch (or, if you’re a dork, The VVitch) with an audience that was so into the movie that they didn’t sit there talking the whole damn time. This is a miracle. People never shut up during movies, and I hate to be ageist, but it’s YOU, old people in Florida reading this. Change your behavior.

Of course, reports from other, less fortunate horror movie fans are that audience members in The Witch are hee-hawing at it like braying donkeys. In a movie like this, there’s a fine line between what is weird/creepy and what is silly, and when people go into the theater saying “Ah ain’t gonna be skeered!” it can spoil the experience. So I’m breathing a sigh of relief that I got to be genuinely creeped out by The Witch.

And then I had really good sushi. I lived 95% of my life without realizing that I liked sushi, so I need to make up for lost time.

Airfare Purchased!

Yep, this year I’m doing the almost back-to-back madness of the World Horror Convention (Provo, Utah, April 28-May 1st) and StokerCon (Las Vegas, May 12-15th).

Which of you whacknuts are attending one, the other, or both?

Two More Weeks

Holy cow! Only two more weeks until The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever goes on sale! For those of you in warm climates, it’s now time to camp out in front of your bookstore. Those of you in colder climates are permitted to wait another week or so; I don’t want you to freeze to death before you get the book.

Q: If I pre-ordered the book online, do I still have to camp out in front of my bookstore?

A: Yes.

Q: Why?

A: Don’t question me.

It’s almost March 1st! It’s almost March 1st! It’s almost March 1st!