Candy Coated Madness Available Now!

My latest short story collection, Candy Coated Madness, is now available in Kindle and paperback editions! Twenty-six insane tales!

Free Distraction – Updated

With the changes to WordPress (which I currently despise but will presumably get used to and eventually decide I can’t live without), my link to Bang Up brought up this nice handy image of the cover with links to buy it, share it, or read a free sample, but the “New Post” notification e-mail didn’t include that. I basically just told you that Bang Up is free and then abandoned you without a link.

So for those of you who don’t read these blog posts directly from my website, I’m sending another one that lets you know that because today is going to be a stressful day, my goofy smut comedy Bang Up is free and you can get it HERE.

Free Distraction

Today is going to be a stressful day. If you need something to read in a long voting line or to take your mind off things for a while, my goofy smut comedy Bang Up is free.