October 26th

Copies of the Earthling Publications hardcover limited edition of Deathless have started showing up in happy people’s mailboxes! Earthling sent out a newsletter about the process of making it look like a proper companion piece to their Pressure limited edition from 15 years ago, inside and out.

Though a paperback and e-book edition are forthcoming in a few weeks, the collector’s edition will almost certainly sell out today. This is your last chance to get a copy HERE.

Tomorrow I’m driving up to West Virginia, to enjoy the mountains for a few days before my appearance at the Haunted Majestic. I’ll be there, along with a dozen other horror authors and cover artist Lynne Hansen, from 7:00 – 11:00 PM on Saturday, October 30th. Remember, the haunted house is in a two-story World War II medical ship! Get all the details at their official website.

Finished up a story called “First Date,” and with that I have cleared out all of my short story commitments until March 15th, 2022! [Insert joyous cackle here.]

October 23

It’s here! The hardcover limited edition of Deathless (the sequel to Pressure) from Earthling Publications!

Only a few copies remain, and there’s usually a surge in orders after a collector’s edition starts shipping, so get your copy HERE!

October 22

“Hostile,” the short film I wrote, directed by Brett Kelly, is now on YouTube! It had its world premiere at the Alamo Drafthouse in Houston in February 2020 as part of “An Evening With Jeff Strand,” which I didn’t know at the time would be my last live event for the rest of the year. It played at a couple of other film festivals, including Buffalo Dreams and Grindsploitation, but for the most part went unseen…until NOW! Check it out!

Hide your neck! The anthology An Unholy Thirst: Fifteen Vampires Tales is now available. One of those vampire tales is mine: “Turn Me.” It’s a more serious story than my usual anthology appearance, but after sending editing Charles Rutledge “Devil Powered-Death Train of Doom” for Fright Train, I thought I’d give the poor guy a break.

Get it HERE.

October 19th

I spent this past weekend at Multiverse and had a blast. The convention has nine (!) tracks of programming, so attendance at any one event was often sparse, but all of my panels went well and everybody seemed to be having a great time. My team was VICTORIOUS!!!!! at the Monster Mash competition, in which teams were assigned monsters and had to explain why theirs would beat the other team’s monster in a fight. Gremlins vs. Krites! Zuni Fetish Doll vs. Chucky! Moorlocks vs. The Creatures From The Descent. Gobs o’ fun!

After my Friday night panel, I sped off with Lynne Hansen, Bridgett Nelson, Rena Mason, and Jessica Ann York to visit Netherworld, the greatest haunted attraction of them all.

Meanwhile, the hardcover edition of Deathless exists! I haven’t seen it yet, but a copy is on its way to me, so in a couple of days I’ll be posting a picture and letting you know to act NOW NOW NOW if you haven’t ordered it yet. You can get a head start on that at http://earthlingpub.com/js_deathless.html

Had a meeting today about a top-secret project. This is not the same top secret project as the other one I’ve mentioned, or that other one, either. I’ll probably be able to blab about the other two soon(ish), but this one will remain a dark secret for a good long while, so I apologize for bringing it up.

October 12th

Though some of my fall events were cancelled (right now I’d still be recovering from the drive to the Merrimack Valley Halloween Book Festival, which was 1097 miles each way) I still have three left. And Multiverse is this weekend! After the Atlanta Writers Conference the first week of November, I don’t have any events scheduled until April 1st, but I’m sure the move to Chattanooga will help fill that free time.

Had a meeting yesterday that ended the way everybody wanted, so I now have a new project to tackle soon. It’s a book, and I think my readers will be delighted and amused when they hear what it is. I’ll share it as soon as the contracts are signed.

Copies of the hardcover edition of Deathless are on their way to Earthling Publication at this very moment, and will be on their way to YOU (because I’m sure you bought one, right?) within the next couple of weeks. The paperback and digital editions probably won’t be out until early 2022.