
Look! It’s my certificate and very stylish pin from the Junior Library Guild for The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever. Being a Junior Library Guild Selection means that if your school does not teach The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever alongside Animal Farm and To Kill a Mockingbird, every member of the school board can be arrested.

(I think. Admittedly, I didn’t research it, but that sounds reasonable.)

Meanwhile, the audio book edition of Wolf Hunt 2 is now available at Audible and Amazon! It’s read by the lovely and talented Scott Thomas, who filled your ears with the sounds of the first Wolf Hunt.


Doughnut Cone Paradise


This delicious treat is a doughnut cone from Datz Dough. This concoction consisted of an ice cream cone made out of a cinnamon doughnut. But then, as if that weren’t enough, the doughnut was lined with Nutella. “Wow,” you’re saying. “That’s decadent.” No! The ice cream is a jelly doughnut flavored soft serve, which I suppose doesn’t really add a new level of decadence, since you already knew there was ice cream in there, but still, the ice cream is flavored like a jelly doughnut! Madness!

And then on top? Cotton candy! Bacon caramel popcorn! Whipped cream! And a cherry!

It was a test item that sold out in just over an hour, so you can’t have one now, but I’m sure they’ll bring ’em back, so be ever vigilant.

It’s amazing that I can type this, considering that I’m currently in a coma.


Scholastic Reading Club

Parents, some kids will have an important decision to make this month. They may come to you for guidance, so be sure to use your wisdom to steer them in the right direction.


Blister’s End

Yes, late last night I typed those two glorious words: The End. My novel Blister is finished!

I mean, yeah, I have to go through it again and change stuff that sucks, but it’s done, and you’ll be able to read it very soon.

AFTER you read The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever. Hurry up with that.

The Greatest Zombie Movie Book Song Ever!

Trevor Strong, the most elite comedy musician in Canada, has written and performed a song for The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever that will never, ever, ever, EVER leave your head. If you click “play” on the video before, you do it at your own peril.

(If YOU’RE looking for somebody to write you a song for any reason, Trevor’s your guy. Need a birthday present? Give ’em a custom-made song! Want a theme song that your underlings can play whenever you walk into a room? Trevor will do it! Trying to woo somebody? That somebody will be wooed like never before! Visit www.trevorstrong.org immediately!)


It’s today! The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever is out! If you pre-ordered your copy from Amazon, it should’ve arrived today. Or you can venture out to your local bookstore. (If you’re going to Barnes & Noble, it’ll most likely be in the New Teen Fiction section.)

In completely unrelated news, Paste Magazine has named The 10 Best New YA Books In March 2016.

Coming very soon: A catchy song…