Benjamin’s Parasite is one of my grossest, most insane novels. It disappeared over a year ago…but now the Kindle edition is BACK!!! Get it HERE!

Benjamin's Parasite Kindle Cover

Greatest Zombie Edits

So, I’ve turned in the edits for The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever. This is not the last time I get to make changes, but it WAS my last opportunity to make changes “just because I like it better this way.” The next time I see it, all of the formatting will be done, and the pages will look just like the pages in the published book, and all I can fix are actual shameful mistakes.

Here is how the thought process works in these two situations:

FINAL EDITS (changes acceptable): “Ha ha ha! This book is brilliant! Brilliant, I say! I cannot wait for the world to read this literary masterpiece!”

FINAL PROOFREAD (only essential corrections are allowed): “Gaaaahhhh!!! I should’ve done this differently, and this differently, and this differently, and this differently, and I don’t know what I was even thinking here, and this differently, and…” [Succumbs to tears.]

DRACULAS in Japanese

I’ve had several of my novels published in German-language editions. I’ve had a short story translated into French, another story translated into Italian, and…well, that’s it.

But I’ve just received the contract for a Japanese edition of Draculas. Yeah! Now I can cross another language off the list. Too bad I have to split the money four ways with F. Paul Wilson, Blake Crouch, and JA Konrath…

Michael Collings Reviews WOLF HUNT 2

Why, it’s just plain nutty to think that you might not have read Wolf Hunt 2 yet, but if you forgot or something, here’s a review by Michael Collings. Check it out HERE!

If you’re really far behind, that review contains a link to his review of the original Wolf Hunt.

Judge. Jury. Executioner.

HHPS Judge

Vast Wealth

I’m writing this as I sit in the audience waiting for the Chris Hardwick show to start.

Next week, I’ll be seeing Weird Al.

Two weeks after that, Patton Oswalt.

In October, John Cleese and Eric Idle.

It’s an embarrassment of geek riches in Tampa!

Back in the Tract

So I wrote this novel called Benjamin’s Parasite. It’s probably my grossest and most over-the-top insane book. It went away for a while, but very soon it’ll be BACK! Here’s a peek at the new cover by Lynne Hansen.


Cemetery Dance Select

“I’ve never read anything by Jeff Strand,” you may be thinking. “If only there was a four-story sampler pack where I could check out his wares without the commitment of a full-length book, in case he sucks!”

Now there is! Yes, it’s Cemetery Dance Select, a new series where authors select four of their own stories for an exciting digital edition. My selections are:

  • Gave Up The Ghost
  • Mr. Sensitive
  • Mr. Twitcher’s Miracle Baby-Chopping Machine
  • Faerie

If you’ve already read these stories but are a crazed completist, this also contains a brand-new afterword. Check it out!