Travels N’ Stuff

I’m writing this in a cabin in Wisconsin. There is plenty of cheese available.

My heavy duty travel time, which included Necon, Scares That Care, and KillerCon in about a one-month period, is almost over. I’ll be driving to Peoria, where I’ll be seeing a “Weird Al” Yankovic concert, and then all the way back down to Atlanta, after which I’ll be home for about six weeks.

I don’t mean “in my house” for six weeks. I’ll get back Saturday night, and Sunday morning I’m immediately off to the Decatur Book Festival, where I’ll be at the Horror Writers Association: Atlanta Chapter booth with other fine spooooooooky authors. But that’s, like, a ten-minute drive. And September 27-29 I’ll be a guest at Monsterama, but that’s in Alpharetta and I’ll be driving home each night, so it doesn’t count.

Nope, I’m home until the long-ass drive from Atlanta, Georgia to Haverhill, Massachusetts in October for the Merrimack Valley Halloween Book Festival. Last year the drive SUCKED. Will it equally suck this year? Probably not. Last year we were trying to outrun a hurricane. Oh, it’s still going to suck, though. You know it’s an amazing event when it’s worth that crappy of a drive.

Upon returning from Haverhill, I’ll have another local convention (Multiverse–I don’t yet know if I’ll be an author guest or just a commoner), followed by the awesome Scary Fireside Stories event a few minutes from my house, then a trip to North Carolina which was originally going to include a booksigning but now probably won’t, then a trip to Birmingham, Alabama for Noir at the Bar, then a Minnesota Thanksgiving visit, and then I am, in theory, home for the rest of 2019.

I do kind of wish the trio of Necon, Scares That Care, and KillerCon were spaced further apart. Part of the fun is the “OMG only 47 more days until Necon!!!!!” anticipation, which instead becomes “Holy s**t it’s KillerCon time already!” This is, of course, big time First World Whining, so feel free to roll your eyes.

NEXT BLOG: KillerCon report.

CURRENTLY READING: The Art of Dying by Derik Cavignano and Braineater Jones by Stephen Kozeniewski.