So the German-language edition of FANGBOY has been published by Voodoo Press. It’s called FANGBOY’S ABENTEURER, because my original title for the novel was THE ADVENTURES OF FANGBOY. (Voodoo Press has done a German-language edition of BENJAMIN’S PARASITE, and will also be publishing WOLF HUNT, THE SINISTER MR. CORPSE, and DWELLER. They pay me in German gummi bears.) (They don’t really, but that would be awesome.) (Technically, I could use the money they pay me to purchase German gummi bears myself, but somehow that would feel less awesome.)

Anyway, one disadvantage to having forgotten 98% of the German I learned in high school is that I can’t read the reviews that are posted in that particular language. Instead, I use Google Translate, and though it is mind-blowing that I can cut-and-paste a review in any language and have it instantly translated into English, oh my freaking God we live in the future, it does often provide sentences like:

“All the people what they like to screw up, to take the mickey.”

However, this review of FANGBOY’S ABENTEURER, posted at Horror and More, also calls it “a unique, bizarre, heartbreaking, and wonderful adventure” and strongly recommends that you purchase a copy. I can say, completely without bias, that I agree.

Sprechen sie Deutsch? Get it HERE.

Speak da English? Get it HERE.

CBS Sunday Morning

Wow. CBS Sunday Morning included the World Horror Convention as a notable event for the week! Be there, or Charles Osgood will hunt you down!

Back on Track

I have been seriously remiss in keeping this blog updated, but I promise that from now on I will–oh, crap, gotta go, somebody responded to my comment on Facebook…

Stokers/WHC 2013!

Hey, kids, it’s almost time for the 2013 Bram Stoker Awards Weekend + World Horror Convention! It’s in New Orleans on June 13-16. They’ve posted a draft of the programming schedule at the official website ( and here’s where I’ll be:

Thursday, June 13. 6:00 – 7:00 PM. Opening Ceremony & Cocktail Reception. I’m the toastmaster, so I’ll be saying a few quick words to welcome everybody. Then I’ll shut up so you can get to the socializing and cocktails.

Thursday, June 13. 8:00 – 9:00 PM. Panel: Co-Authoring – The Do’s And The Don’ts. A panel on the insane art of collaborations. Mark Scioneaux is moderating, and the crowded panel will also include Lynne Hansen, Sally Bosco, Rocky Wood, Dana Fredsti, and Stan Swanson.

Friday, June 14. 12:30 – 1:00 PM. Reading. Yes, I will be standing in front of a huge crowd room hopefully containing people and reading stuff. Please show up. Please?

Friday, June 14. 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Mass Signing. All of the authors in one room, signing their books! It’ll be chaos! Chaos! Bring your books from home and I’ll scrawl my name on them, even if I didn’t write them. This event is free and open to the public, so if you live on the same continent as New Orleans, make sure you attend.

Saturday, June 15. 7:30 – 10:45 PM. Bram Stoker Awards Banquet. Will A Bad Day For Voodoo win the Stoker for Best Young Adult Novel? Probably not, but that doesn’t matter, because as the Master of Ceremonies I’ll be right up there on stage, ready to grab the trophy and run. This is my fifth time as emcee, and I promise all new jokes, except for a couple I swiped from my own Facebook posts.

Sunday, June 16. 1:00 – 2:00 PM. Closing Ceremonies. I guess I’ll be expected to say something here, but let’s be honest, this far into the weekend, it’s not going to be great.

Are YOU going to be there? (Correct answer: Yes.)