April 4th

Happy Easter, everybody! If you like black jelly beans, I hope you got lots of them. If you don’t, I hope you got lots of them and are looking for somebody–perhaps an author–to send them to.

I redid the “Short Works” page on my website. Stories that appear in collections no longer have descriptive paragraphs about them. It made the page unwieldy and it was extremely unlikely that somebody would try to track down the individual stories that appeared in, say, Everything Has Teeth instead of just buying Everything Has Teeth. Recent stories that haven’t been collected appear at the top of the page.

With that done, my next step in this long-term project is to go through each individual book page and make sure everything is up-to-date. A couple of years ago I’d started adding personal essays to replace the standard back cover description, but I didn’t get very many of them done. It’s time to fix that!

Welcome to April!

My latest newsletter went out yesterday, and I had to apologize for the long delay between issues. Keeping this website updated has also fallen behind. But having completed three back-to-back projects that people were waiting on (Deathless, Twentieth Anniversary Screening (to appear in the collection Slice & Dice) and the screenplay for Kutter) I’ve suddenly gone from “overwhelmingly busy” to “pretty busy.” So I can return a bit of focus to the website.

I’ve updated the “Appearances” page with an actual live appearance! Though StokerCon and KillerCon are both virtual (but guess what–I’ll be a Guest of Honor at KillerCon!) Scares That Care is currently scheduled to be an in-person event in Williamsburg, Virginia. I’ll be fully vaccinated by then, so I’ll be there!

Will more events follow….?