Scares That Care Virtual Charity Event

Scares That Care, one of my favorite horror conventions, has been cancelled this year. You’re probably not gaping at these words in shock.

But tomorrow, August 1st, they’re having the Scares That Care Virtual Charity Event! A whole day of programming, FREE to attend, but there to raise money for a great cause.

I’m the opening act, so my reading (with Stephen Kozeniewski) will be from 9:15 – 9:50 AM.

Get the complete schedule and all the details HERE.


July 23

I’ve been updating the “Appearances” page on my website by basically going in and crossing out every event that gets cancelled. Now that the entirety of my 2020 in-person appearances have officially gone bye-bye, I’ve reworked that page into a list of my upcoming virtual appearances. Like these:

August 1st. 9:15 AM EST. Scares That Care Virtual Charity Event. My live reading will be the opening act to a full day of readings, panels, and other fun events for a great cause.

August 8th. 8:00 PM EST. Interview at Terror Tales Book Group. A live video interview with me. (You have to join the private group, but you should join it anyway.)

August 14-16. Outer Dark Symposium For The Greater Weird. ($25 registration fee.) I’ll be doing a live reading during one of the three days; day/time to be announced.

August 27th. 8:00 PM EST. The Southern Nightmares Reading Series. A new monthly reading series started by the Horror Writers Association Atlanta chapter. A rotating series of authors, mostly from our chapter but with one non-Atlanta guest star each time.  I’ll be reading from Allison, since that’s the HWA Atlanta Book of the Month for August. (I’ll update this listing with the link when the Facebook event goes live.)

October 16-18. Multiverse. This convention has switched to a virtual format; schedule TBD.

July 21

The next issue of my newsletter is set to go out this afternoon, so you’ve got a few hours to subscribe (for free) at I’m switching to a bi-weekly schedule, so you can expect a new issue every other Tuesday!

This issue contains the brand-new story “Pull My Finger,” and also an ill-fated appearance by special guest author Kurt Dinan.

July 6th

Hey, this is my first website update on my brand new computer! It’s a low-end MacBook Air that is still twice as powerful as my old MacBook Air. I still remember, not fondly, the olden days of yore when switching to a new computer was a time-consuming nightmare. Now, I basically just plugged in the external hard drive, left it alone for a couple of hours, and I was 98% back to normal. Technology!!!!!!!

The Thunderstorm hardcover collector’s edition of Clowns Vs. Spiders is down to the last few copies. There were no pre-orders for this one; when you buy it, they’ll mail it! Get it HERE…unless it’s too late!

I’m toying with the idea of a more frequent newsletter. Right now it’s kind of monthly but mostly just timed to new books, and a lot of news gets left out. But I don’t want to scale it down into an announcement list, so at the minimum I will continue having a new flash fiction story in every issue.

These stories are written at most a couple of days ahead of time, but usually the day before I send out the newsletter, and sometimes the same day if I’m feeling particularly procrastination-prone. My goal is to get a nice backlog of stories written, and then set up an “every other Tuesday” schedule or something like that.

My new novel is still in the early stages but going very well. I think you’ll like it.