August 17th

In tomorrow’s issue of my newsletter, you get to endure my attempt at poetry with “Ten Little Babies.” Your time is valuable, so I strongly suggest you do not click the link and subscribe.

That’s all. Nothing more needs to be said.

August 13th

I’ve got virtual events galore! I was a late addition to the Self-Employment Productivity Summit, which will have just started as I post this. I’ll be doing an interview and Q&A at 7:00 PM EST tonight (August 13th). Tickets are free! Register (and see the full schedule) HERE.

The Outer Dark Symposium (devoted to weeeeiiiiiiiiird fiction) is this weekend. I’ll be part of the Saturday reading slot that starts at 2:00 PM EST. Weekend registration is $25. Get all the details HERE.

And Saturday evening at 8:00 PM EST I’ll be doing a live interview at the Terror Tales group on Facebook. Join the group HERE.



August 4th

If you were unconscious during my Scares That Care reading (with Stephen Kozeniewski) this past Saturday, all is not lost! Check it out below. Ignore the scowl on my face–I had a delightful time.