October 27

Look, I’m using my blog to direct you to somebody else’s blog! Check out my guest post “The Night I Was a Skeleton” at Meghan’s Haunted House of Books! https://mhyden.blog/2022/10/27/guest-post-jeff-strand/

October 20

The novelization revealed…

Mark your calendars (tentatively) for April 2023, where you will be subjected to the unbearable glory of…

October 19

I’m back! Multiverse was a lot of fun. I screened “Hostile” and “Gave Up The Ghost,” and we also showed a scene from “Moonlight Sonata, With Scissors,” (where I play a dead body) with an introduction from Darrell Grizzle, who wrote the short story it was based upon. I was on several panels, and of course we did the annual visit to Netherworld, the best haunted house in the United States of America. Was there a bonus trip to Expedition: Bigfoot? There sure was!

Meanwhile, last night I typed “The End” on my novelization. Today I’m going to go through the entire thing, and sometime soon I’ll announce what it is. Stay tuned…

October 8

My brief gap in events is ending next weekend, where I’ll be at Multiverse in Atlanta. If you’re going to be there, this is where to find me:

The horror movie screening is the short film “Hostile” that I wrote. Be there!!!

October 5

I’m not QUITE in the final stretch of my novelization, but pretty close!

This afternoon I’m going to be a returning guest on the Drinking With Authors podcast. Last time my beverage was a can of Red Bull. This time…

I’m intrigued by this every time I see it. I know it’s a marketing gimmick. It’s a can of water. I don’t even like sparkling water. So every time I’m tempted, the rational part of my brain says “Don’t buy an expensive can of water just because they’re marketing it like poison.”

But since it’s Halloween month and I’m doing the podcast, I decided to splurge and try it out. Will it, as the tagline claims, murder my thirst? I guess you’ll find out when the episode goes live…

October 2

Yes, work continues on the novelization! Hoping to have it done by October 10th, though since I don’t have a deadline, nobody is going to break my legs if that doesn’t happen.

A few days ago I took the evening off to watch a couple of episodes of The 101 Scariest Movie Moments of All Time on Shudder. If you ignore the order and just think of it as “101 scary movie moments,” with commentary, it’s great stuff. I love these countdown-type shows.

Speaking of Shudder, they now have the movie May, one of my all-time favorites. When I got to choose the double feature at the Alamo Drafthouse on their “An Evening With Jeff Strand,” this was one of them. May was my first time seeing an obscure flick at a film festival (I believe this was the Florida premiere) and going absolutely nuts over it in a “OMG you have to see this when it gets released!!!” manner.

Meanwhile, this afternoon I’m recording an episode of the Mothers of Mayhem podcast (Bridgett “A Bouquet of Viscera” is also a guest). It’ll be on video, so I’ll have to tidy up my office and put on a nicer shirt. I’ll post when it’s available for your viewing ecstasy.