August 2. Bucket O’ Blood Books & Records. Chicago, IL. Signing from 6:00 PM to whenever they kick us out. With Aron Beauregard, Bridgett Nelson, Megan Stockton, and possibly Kristopher Triana.

August 3. Books & Brews. Evanston, IL.

August 9-11. KillerCon. Austin, TX.

September 6-8. TBR Con. Knoxville, TN.

September 13. Brownsville Screams. Brownsville, PA.

September 14. Vortex Books & Comics. Columbia, PA. Signing from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. With Bridgett Nelson, Larry Hinkle, and Amanda Headlee.

September 28-29. Fright Reads Book Festival. Columbia, MD.

October 4-6. Scares That Care AuthorCon IV. St. Louis, MO.

October 17-20. Nightmares Film Festival. Columbus, OH.

29 Responses to “2024 APPEARANCES”

  1. Paul P. DuBose Says:

    Jeff, I’m looking forward to meeting you in Tampa on Saturday. I’ll cover your presentation in the February issue of “Write Connections”, an online newsletter published by Tampa Writers Alliance at http://www.tampawriters.org.
    I’m a humor novelist, but I doubt I can write anything as crazy as your stuff.


  2. jeffstrand Says:

    Cool! Seeya there, Paul!


  3. Bruce Smith Says:

    Hi Jeff, Enjoyed the talk today


  4. Kyle L. Says:

    YEA! WHC!! WHOOO!! Gonna buy you a shot Jeff, just come find me. I’ll be the ginger kid with tattoos (can there be more than one, we’ll see!)


  5. Jeff Strand Says:

    Kyle, you can buy me a shot of Snapple!


  6. Kyle L. Says:

    Snapple works đŸ™‚


  7. Kent Songer Says:

    Wow! An author who doesn’t drink? I stopped going to WHC because I was the only person there who didn’t. Really hard to interact when you are not socially drinking.


  8. Kyle L. Says:

    That’s why bartenders made Shirley Temples đŸ˜›


  9. Mary Says:

    Wish I’d started reading your books sooner ! Love your sense of humor ! Wish I could make it to Rhode Island


  10. Sam Says:

    Totally wish you could come up north to MN! I’m in absolute adoration of your writing!


  11. Wendy Says:

    When are you coming to Nebo Kentucky? I am sure all 100 of us would show up.


  12. wendy latham. Says:

    @Jim what is this thing called a a car of which you speak? U would relieve the extreme fuzziness of your staementvif you knew how surrounded my area is with Amish and Mennonite communities.

    @Jeff. We have 3 churches, a gas station, and a tiny empty building that used to be an elementary school in the 70s, an abandoned general store type building. Where do you wanna have have it?


    • jeffstrand Says:

      Let’s go with the gas station. They’ll have snacks.


      • Wendy Says:

        Ha ha ha ha. you are funny with your cityfied idea of a gas station. With snacks and soda pops and popcorn and of course I bet you are expecting a Snapple. HA. This is a gas station like hey here is some gas , need your tires changed we got done fourteen year old ” home schooled” kid here to do that for you. The sell gas , tires , some stale peanut butter crackers and home interior products and candles. The churches are baptist. That means MASS quanties of food. But while I am a Christian going there means putting up with a ton of misinterpreted scripture that they cling to that really has nothing to do with God, I am thinking we meet in the abandoned store and do a pot luck picnic.


  13. Donna Stinson Says:

    Jeff, do you or Lynne have any upcoming local appearances?


    • jeffstrand Says:

      Lynne will be speaking to a filmmaking group this Wednesday evening. Beyond that, we don’t have much scheduled until March. Obviously, any time you’re in town we’ll be happy to meet you for lunch or dinner!


  14. Shhh... Says:

    Hey, I just discovered you through Blister. I read Benjamin’s Parasite immediately after, now I’m a fan. I’d love to get some books signed if you ever have an appearance in Tampa. Keep up the great work!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Donna Stinson Says:

    I’m gonna be there!


  16. Shhh... Says:

    I have that day off, I’m planning on coming. This is great news! Thank you.


  17. Heather Says:

    Please come west to Houston! Love your humor-thrillers!!


  18. cdred141 Says:

    Are you coming to South Carolina anytime soon?

    Liked by 1 person

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