
Yes, I’ve done it. I’ve posted my first TikTok video.

This one is just an introduction. Tomorrow’s is….messy.

Follow me at https://www.tiktok.com/@jeffstrand if you’re so inclined.

Ferocious Paperback!

At long last (actually, it hasn’t been that long unless you’ve been frantically clicking “refresh” hoping for an update) the paperback edition of Ferocious is available. It’s actually been around for a few days, but I was a) waiting for the reviews of the Kindle edition to feed over, and I’m b) sometimes slow to update my website.

You can get your copy right HERE.

This past weekend I was at the Outer Dark Symposium On The Greater Weird, where I read my story “The Douchebag Who Reneged On The Death Pact.” It was extremely well received. I can say this because it was recorded and will appear on a future episode of the Outer Dark podcast, so you can hear it being extremely well received. (I hope. In one of the videos of me emceeing the Bram Stoker Awards, the microphone didn’t really pick up the audience, so it sounds like I’m delivering jokes to stone cold silence.)

A few months ago I wrote about how these days I really only submit short stories to anthologies if somebody says, “Yo, will you write a short story for my anthology?” But I heard about a horror/comedy one, and figured I should probably submit to something like that. I’m pleased to say that “Mr. Pistachio’s Charming Rampage” was accepted by this still-untitled project. This spared me the need to scream “DON’T YOU KNOW WHO I AM???

Speaking of anthologies, I finished a story called “Ivan’s Night Out” for a book that’ll be out in October. Is that the Ivan you think it is? Yes, unless you’re being a smart-ass and coming up with a different Ivan. It’s a mean and nasty story about a mean and nasty guy.

I was interviewed at More2Read right HERE. They created a graphic with 25 of my book covers and it’s a thing of beauty.

I’m up to almost 4000 followers on Twitter, which is low by Kim Kardashian standards but high by Jeff Strand standards. If you wanna help push me over the top, I’m @JeffStrand.